Monday, September 8, 2008

Snapping turtles and monarch caterpillars

Today we discovered a snapping turtle in the garden. Funny thing is that just last week some visiting kids asked if we had snapping turtles to which I replied, "oh, no, we just have red-eared sliders. No need to worry."
One of the great hort staff Neal was brave enough to pick up this guy and take him over to the irrigation pond.

The monarchs are all over and around the butterfly weed. Two weeks ago we watched a monarch butterfly lay eggs, this past week we've watched the caterpillars doubling in size, Friday we noted four chrysalis and over the weekend one butterfly emerged (undetected unfortunately). If you've ever seen a butterfly emerge then you know about the meconium. If you haven't ever seen it you would not believe the amount of liquid that comes out with the butterfly. It does look similar to blood but dries more of a brown color. I would absolutely recommend ordering larva of butterfly local to your area and watching the metamorphosis at home.

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